Code -- 删除临时表 drop table #tmp1 drop table #tmp2 drop table #tmp3 -- 获取数据 select id,company_id,examine_date,moderator_party,moderator_id = case when moderator_id = ' 17adfa4692f248a180b9b4ad65835244 ' then ' 59cfe656178c45f1ab24355699f00cdb ' when moderator_id = ' 161887e22a3b46afa2033a8fa7a3585a ' then ' 1b5a7b3472e34a1b8d350207ce6c0dac ' else moderator_id end into #tmp1 from train_examine where year(examine_date) = 2008 and month(examine_date) < 7 and company_id = ' 35020009 ' order by examine_date select * into #tmp2 from train_examine_item where train_examine_id in (select id from #tmp1) select * into #tmp3 from train_examine_item_item where train_examine_item_id in (select id from #tmp2) -- 添加临时字段 alter table #tmp1 add NID nvarchar( 32 ) alter table #tmp2 add NID nvarchar( 32 ) alter table #tmp2 add NNID nvarchar( 32 ) alter table #tmp3 add NID nvarchar( 32 ) -- 为临时字段赋值 update #tmp1 set nid = id update #tmp2 set nid = train_examine_id, nnid = id update #tmp3 set nid = train_examine_item_id select * from #tmp1 select * from #tmp2 select * from #tmp3 -- 修改临时表的信息,并重新关联 update #tmp1 set id = replace(newid(), ' - ' , '' ), examine_date = dateadd(month, 6 ,dateadd(year, - 2 ,examine_date)) update #tmp2 set id = replace(newid(), ' - ' , '' ), train_examine_id = #tmp1.id from #tmp1 left join #tmp2 on #tmp1.nid = #tmp2.nid update #tmp3 set train_examine_item_id = #tmp2.id from #tmp2 left join #tmp3 on #tmp2.nnid = #tmp3.nid -- 删除临时字段 alter table #tmp1 drop column nid alter table #tmp2 drop column nid alter table #tmp2 drop column nnid alter table #tmp3 drop column nid -- 插入数据 insert into train_examine select * from #tmp1 insert into train_examine_item select * from #tmp2 insert into train_examine_item_item select * from #tmp3